Fake Designer Bags

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How to Identify Fake Designer Bag
For those looking to avoid counterfeit products, here are some tips:

Inspect the Logo: Designer bags are usually very accurate and have covered logos. Purchased counterfeit designer bags often have a pair of minor misprints in font, spacing, or alignment.

Check the Materials: Original handbags will use genuine leather or material in the production of the Replica handbags. Keep away from clothes made from cheap feeling synthetic fabrics as that is a big no no.

Examine the Stitching: Original luxury bags are well-stitched while the fake products may have ugly stitching, poor stitch quality, looser stitches and so on.

Research the Seller: There have been cases of counterfeit products and thus one should only buy his/her product from an authorized dealer or from the company’s website. Do not get into any deal where you anticipate something way beyond expectation.

Navigating the Market

Even if there are positive effects that fake designer bags can have, buying second-hand authentic brand such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci and other can sometimes give you more value for your money. For those who want to spend little amounts of money, it is wiser to buy brands that make quality handbags at cheap prices than to buy fake bags.
